Digitala illustrationer gjorda i Adobe Illustrator eller Photoshop.
Vi kan implementera illustrationer med en myriad av olika sätt och stilar med dagens avancerade mjukvaror vi använder. Vi är inte bundna att endast illustrera med hjälp av en dator. Vi kan lika gärna göra en klassisk illustration med t.ex. penna, krita, akryl eller akvarell.
Vi fokuserar främst på 2D-illustrationer men kan även göra 3D-illustrationer om så önskas.
Happy Farmer, Photoshop
Happy Farmer, Photoshop
Company Process (Illustrator)
Company Process (Illustrator)
Meeting in Missina (Lionhearts)
Meeting in Missina (Lionhearts)
Augmented Human (Illustrator)
Augmented Human (Illustrator)
Location of Lightning fixtures (Illustrator)
Location of Lightning fixtures (Illustrator)
3D logo  (Photoshop)
3D logo (Photoshop)
God where are you? (Lionhearts)
God where are you? (Lionhearts)
OBD2 Hijaaker (Photoshop)
OBD2 Hijaaker (Photoshop)
Between two worlds (Photoshop)
Between two worlds (Photoshop)
Red Rose (Photoshop)
Red Rose (Photoshop)
Smacked Coke (Illustrator)
Smacked Coke (Illustrator)
A Pilgrim (Lionhearts)
A Pilgrim (Lionhearts)
The Unpleasant Fool (Photoshop)
The Unpleasant Fool (Photoshop)
Merry Christmas (photoshop)
Merry Christmas (photoshop)
Footman Soldier (Photoshop)
Footman Soldier (Photoshop)
Blafs (Autodesk Sketchbook)
Blafs (Autodesk Sketchbook)
3 apples (Autodesk Sketchbook)
3 apples (Autodesk Sketchbook)
What's a coke? (Illustrator & Photoshop)
What's a coke? (Illustrator & Photoshop)
I want to tell you a secret
I want to tell you a secret
Napoleon Cannon
Napoleon Cannon
Cool Glasses (Autodesk Sketchbook)
Cool Glasses (Autodesk Sketchbook)
The Driver (felt-tip pens)
The Driver (felt-tip pens)
Jellyflight (Acrylic)
Jellyflight (Acrylic)
API and Handshake, 2019
API and Handshake, 2019
This is GroveFlow, 2019
This is GroveFlow, 2019
Car Engine Turbo 2018
Car Engine Turbo 2018
Moder Svea, 2012
Moder Svea, 2012
Jazz band poster, 2017
Jazz band poster, 2017
The Boston Model, 2011
The Boston Model, 2011
Icecube in Water, 2011
Icecube in Water, 2011
Duck, 2010
Duck, 2010
USB Contact, 2010
USB Contact, 2010
Chess mate, 2006
Chess mate, 2006
Multimedia presentation Monis Pool hall. 2005
Multimedia presentation Monis Pool hall. 2005
Deli's Café & Billiards 2004
Deli's Café & Billiards 2004
Power Up, 2004
Power Up, 2004
Christmas Card, 2003
Christmas Card, 2003
Storm Kommunikation & Medieproduktion 2002
Storm Kommunikation & Medieproduktion 2002
Character for Instruction Movie, 1998
Character for Instruction Movie, 1998
The King
The King
Icander ICA Marketing profile, 1986
Icander ICA Marketing profile, 1986
ICA Marketing profile, 1986
ICA Marketing profile, 1986
Färska bär gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Färska bär gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Smör gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Smör gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Grädde gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Grädde gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Ägg gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Ägg gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Mjöl gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Mjöl gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Sylt gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Sylt gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Marsipan gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Marsipan gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Socker gjord i Adobe Illustrator
Socker gjord i Adobe Illustrator
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