All Speeches and Lectures given by Erik Lundstrom since 2005

International Conference on AR & ICT Convergence Technology, Suwon, Korea, 2017
Key Note Speaker - Presenting my research of how to integrate AR Technology in Industry 4.0 setups.
The Key Note Speech will take the listener on a journey of several aspects brininging in AR Glasses technology into manufacturing, what are the use for the end user on the shop floor as well for the manufacturing company as such. What one have to consider moving into the fourth generation industry solutions. Erik will also present parts of the results from the four year long research project regarding people working hand in hand with symbiotic robotics called LIAA that had its Final Review two weeks ago.

Museum of Technology and Innovation - 100 Innovations, Stockholm Sweden, 2016
Subject: Augmented Reality for Industry applications

Tech Champions, Stockholm Sweden, 2015
Subject: Presenting the company
Presentation of the new Penny we have become since the last quarter 2014 from being a sole R&D company to become a sole manufacturer of AR Glasses. The visitors at Tech Champions 2015 will be able to test the latest version of C Wear Interactive Glasses Extended that Penny for the first time showed during Mobile World Congress in Barcelona earlier this year.

HC Mute University of Technology and Education, Ho-Chi Minh, 2014
Subject: How to incorporate a Co-operative Business Model such as 'Bitman' in a Startup.

K.E.Y. Plattform, Seoul, Korea 2014
Subject: Augmented Reality Innovation and Co-operative business Model 'Bitman'.
2014 I was awarded "Top 100 Innovators of the World" and I was given the opportunity to give a Speech at Conrad Hotel in Seoul, Korea the same year. The audience was over 2000 people and the response in Korean media was very big.

Innovation award winner at K.E.Y. Platform 2014

Augmented Reality speech at K.E.Y. Platform 2014

Augmented Reality speech at K.E.Y. Platform 2014

Augmented Reality speech at K.E.Y. Platform 2014

Principal of Money Today Media

Swedish Ambassador Lars Danielsson

In Panel Debate

In Panel Debate

Panel Debate at K.E.Y. Platform 2014
AR Dagen, and Smart Living Challange, Sweden 2014
Subject: Augmented Reality Innovation and AR Glasses development

Sogeti & Atlas Copco Mining, 2014
Subject: Augmented Reality for the mining industry
Sogeti invited me as a Key Note speaker at one of their customer events in the city of Örebro. The focus here was to introduce Augmented Reality as a option to traditonal User interfaces in industrial PC in cockpits of mining machines.

User Interface in AR Glasses

Drill planning in Mines

Drilling User Interface
Ewha Woman University, Seoul, Korea, 2013
Subject: Spirit of Innovation - Innovation process of new inventive technologies
About Penny and our focus on our constant Innovation process of designing and building the next generation wearable innovations for people on the move.

University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2013
Subject: Augmented Reality Innovation and AR Glasses development
Of all the innovations that were showcased at Innovative Sweden in Tokyo Penny's C Wear AR glasses was selected by KTH as one of the foremost. That gave me as the inventor and founder of the company to give a speech at Tokyo University. The speech took place during the international seminar "Responding to Global Challanges through Research Cooperation and Innovation". A seminar would highlight the cooperation that takes place between the different universities. KTH's side wanted to highlight successful innovators from Sweden with Penny's founder Erik Lundström was one of these. To Penny, during a seminar with several very prominent speakers from the Swedish and Japanese research, to speak at one of Japan's most prestigious universities (Todai) is just a unique opportunity.

Whitebull Pathways, Barcelona, Spain and Founders Forum, London, UK, 2013
Subject: Augmented Reality Innovation and AR Glasses development

Produktionstekniska Dagen, Skövde högskola, Sweden 2013
Subject: Augmented Reality integration on factory floors.
Direct support regarding assembly instructions. Augmented Reality is one way doing it.

University of Tongji, Shanghai, China, 2012
Subject: Spirit of Innovation
Inspirational speech about my journey from designing a platform soley to assist disabled people to gain interest from a much wider market and how in the end the innovation process itself can be a driving force to move ahead.

University of Tongji, Shanghai, China, 2012
Subject: Spirit of Innovation
About Penny and our focus on future products, production and market for glasses, Augmented Reality and new mobile platforms.

Mars Institute for Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada, 2012
Subject: Lecture in Future products, manufacturing and market for AR Glasses
Inspirational speech about my journey from designing a platform soley to assist disabled people to gain interest from a much wider market and how in the end the innovation process itself can be a driving force to move ahead.

Stanford University, USA, 2011
Subject: Spirit of Innovation, Market introduction C Wear 20 AR Glasses
Introduction speech about Penny's new Augmented Reality Glasses C Wear 20. The worlds first see through 42 degrees FOV AR Glasses for Windows, Android and Linux.

Red Herring Awards North America, San Diego, USA, 2009
Subject: Future Reality with Augmented Reality Glasses

Swedish Institute "From Pippi to Nobel", 2009
Subject: Future Reality with Augmented Reality Glasses
Swedish Insitute invited a couple of inventors to be showcased in the swedish booth at the World's Fair in Shanghai 2010 to present themselves to a chinese media delegation.

KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2009
Subject: Augmented Reality system development
Introduction speech about the development of Augmented Reality Glasses Technology that took it's start at KTH 9 years earlier.

Red Herring Europe Award, Berlin 2009
Subject: Company presentation and Augmented Reality Glasses for the future

Mobilgalan, Swedish Mobile Awards, 2009
Subject: Augmented Reality Glasses, future Mobile phone, yes or no?

ETRE European Technology Round Table Exhibition, Stockholm, 2008
Subject: AR Glasses and See through user interfaces

World Venture Summit, Madison Square Garden, NY, USA, 2005
Subject: Future Reality with AR Glasses